I’ve started making podcasts, inspired by Adam Pikielny, a student at Brown who interviewed me about my climbing exploits there on the buildings back in the late 1960s.
The second one is that interview.
The first is actually my first podcast. It’s gotten great reviews. (Let me know what you think too!)
“That’s delightful!” — Nancy Shinn, my girlfriend
“Love it!” — Patti Smith, my sister-in-law
“I like how it came out.” — me
“Well done, very entertaining.” — Dede, a neighbor
Well I had them on Buzzsprout, but didn’t get much traffics, so I’m abandoning my Buzzsprout podcasting career. Here they both are though, I think they’re enjoyable…
Talking About the Way
Lao Tsu, The Way, Dennis Mehmet orders food, climbers, the Gunks, Dennis Mehmet escapes the draft, Emerson and history, Mary Kroening and the historical Jesus, minister Jeff… as if it matters. With frogs and others. Nancy Shinn on flute playing Indian Point.
Building Climbing at Brown
Adam Pikielny is a climber and outdoor adventurer at Brown, who came across the small book I wrote with Cherry Austin about climbing buildings at Brown in the late 1960s. He interviewed me about those days, and here it is with stories of how we put 13 Jack-O-Lanterns on the 13 highest ledges at Brown, except Sayles hall, the tallest, which we then climbed on Valentine’s Day to put a wooden heart on top. Includes how I escaped the draft.