I encourage others to uses these ideas and get them published in op-eds around the country. Here’s my letter to the local Greenfield Recorder.

Here is 169 word version that can be submitted as a letter to your local paper. Feel free to use it as is, or maybe better to modify it a bit in your own style.
Who is the Q behind QAnon? Here’s a meta-conspiracy theory. Like all propaganda, QAnon is based on a partial truth, a Deep State. We all know it exists, and we know it is Big Money behind many of the wrongs of our government and institutions. How do we know? For one, Hollywood keeps telling stories that illustrate it, making Hollywood an enemy of Big Money. Who else is an enemy? Democrats who tend to raise corporate taxes and regulate Big Money.
How can Big Money fight back? Turn the story around. These are the people who used doctors to sell cigarettes, so no problem creating QAnon that paints Hollywood and Democrats as Deep State evil.
Who will lead the Storm that overthrows them? A man who self-identifies as Big Money. A man whose signature legislation while president was tax cuts for the wealthy. Can there be any question Big Money is behind Q? And Q’s followers have been duped into fighting for, not against, the Deep State they resent?