
When Fred and I agreed on a $7,000 annual license fee for ARulesXL, which is the technology underlying VacLogic, I never thought it would be forever. It always seemed to me that the industry would be much better off if CDC came up with some way to provide that service in a uniform way to all providers.

I only now have done some Googling about, and, indeed there are a number of technologies available today that do, basically, what VacLogic does, and, it appears, CDC provides information designed to directly feed into these technologies. They are all relatively recent. I enjoyed reading about them, as they deal with all the situations that VacLogic handled twenty years ago.

I always expected, as I entered my retirement, that at some point Connexin would say that there is a new technology that we’ll be using instead, this will be the last year we need a license. Or maybe even, we’ve already switched to a new technology and no longer need ARulesXL. Thank you for your service.

And then, as you can see on this Web site, I’d continue working on jazz guitar, picture books for kids, op-ed newspaper pieces, grandkids, a garden and all the other sorts of things 76 year old might get involved in.

But it turns out that’s not how an investment capital company, like Pamlico, operates. Pamlico’s management team would rather stop paying the $7,000, use the software anyway, and then pay, I’m guessing, at least 10 to 20 times that much to crush me in court when I sued.

Then make no offer to settle, and instead start work on a replacement for VacLogic. It appears, but who knows, that VacLogic+ might be just that. The same user interface, but the “intelligence” inside is implemented using one of the new technologies available.

That is, of course, exactly what they should be doing, and by using a standard technology, they’ll be compatible with other vendors. Now, this will be a new world for them, as the tremendous advantage VacLogic gave them twenty years ago, is no longer in play. But still, they’re now a player in the pediatric EHR market and VacLogic helped get them there.

So why did they have to take a year of my life, and a significant portion of my retirement funds to do it? Well the law suit continues, now looking for compensation for the year they used, in violation of Federal Copyright Law, the ARulesXL version of VacLogic without a license.

VacLogic Lawsuit

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